The state and national Dem parties have asked a federal judge to hear a revised lawsuit seeking changes to how Wisconsin handles absentee ballots after seeing the issues that popped up with the crush of those who cast votes by mail in the April 7 election.

The parties filed a motion Thursday asking to have its amended complaint accepted. Among other things, the proposed filing details the challenges some faced in obtaining a witness signature before returning their ballots amid the health scare.

The suit seeks:

*an extension of electronic and by-mail registrations to the Friday before each of the remaining 2020 elections.

*a suspension of the requirement that voters include a copy of their photo ID with their absentee ballot requests, as well as proof of residency, for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. It also seeks suspension of the requirement voters must have a witness certify their absentee ballots during the outbreak.

The suit also wants an extension on the deadline for absentee ballots to be received. That deadline had been 8 p.m. each election day. But the federal courts changed that for the April 7 election to require absentee ballots to be postmarked by election day and received by clerks within 10 days of the election.

For the April 7 election, the ballots had to be postmarked by election day and received by April 13.

Read the proposed complaint:

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