Presumptive Dem nominee Joe Biden continued to lead President Trump among likely Wisconsin voters in the latest Marquette University Law School Poll with just slight movement in the numbers.
Forty-nine percent of likely voters backed Biden, while 44 percent supported Trump. In the June poll, Biden had a 6-point lead at 50-44
Among registered voters, Biden had a 6-point advantage, compared to 8 points in June.
The poll was the first this year to begin focusing on likely voters in the presidential horse race.
It’s also the third survey this week to find Biden with a lead of about 6 points. The latest survey from the Elections Research Center at UW-Madison, released Monday, found 49 percent of registered voters backed Biden, while 43 percent supported the president.
Meanwhile, a new CBS News poll released Sunday had it 48-42 in Biden’s favor among likely voters.
The new Marquette poll also found no enthusiasm gap between Dem and GOP voters with about 87 percent of each saying they’re certain to vote in November. What’s more, 65 percent of Dems and 64 percent of Republicans say they’re enthusiastic about voting.
Only 60 percent of independents, however, said they are certain to vote with 37 percent saying they’re enthusiastic about doing so.
Meanwhile, Trump’s overall job performance, as well as his handling of the coronavirus and protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death, continued to be underwater.
Forty-four percent of registered voters approve of the job Trump is doing, while 54 percent disapproved, compared to a 45-51 spread in June.
Poll Director Charles Franklin said the minus-10 net job approval was the second lowest of Trump’s presidency. His job approval rating peaked at 48 percent over the winter.
Only 40 percent approve of Trump’s handling of the coronavirus, while 58 percent disapproved, compared to a 44-52 spread in June.
Meanwhile, 32 percent approve of how he’s handling the protests, compared to 58 percent disapprove. It was 30-58 in June.
The economy continues to be Trump’s strong point with 51 percent approving and 46 percent disapproving, compared to 50-46 in June.
Meanwhile, 43 percent view Biden favorably, while 48 percent don’t, compared to a 44-46 spread in June.
The poll, conducted Aug. 4-9, included 801 registered voters interviewed by cell phone or landline with a margin of error for that sample of plus or minus 3.9 percentage points. The sample included 675 likely voters with a margin of error of plus or minus 4.2 percentage points for that group.
See the full results here.