State cybersecurity experts from multiple agencies have reviewed claims of election irregularities in a video produced by My Pillow Guy’s Mike Lindell and found them to be false, according to the Wisconsin Elections Commission.
Lindell’s video has been widely mocked for its false claims about election fraud in the November election, and YouTube pulled it down for violating its policy against false claims about the presidential results.
The Elections Commission has added a page to its website debunking claims made in the video about Wisconsin.
For example, the video claims 17,044 votes were taken away from Donald Trump in Adams County. The commission notes there are only 13,595 registered voters in the county, where 11,818 votes were cast in November. Sixty-percent of the votes there went to Trump.
The video’s claims about Clark County are “another impossibility,” according to the Elections Commission page. The video claims 23,909 votes were taken from Trump there, even though Clark County has only 17,201 registered voters. In November, the count reported 14,898 votes with more than two-thirds of them going for Trump.
The Elections Commission also notes there’s no evidence that anyone hacked into state or local election systems in Wisconsin or changed any votes from one candidate to another. Ninety percent of votes in Wisconsin are cast on paper ballots, while the rest have a voter-verified paper record that isn’t tied to a computer network. The agency noted the systems used to count ballots were audited for accuracy, and no problems were detected.
The agency also pointed out claims that the U.S. Postal Service backdated ballots in Wisconsin are false. The USPS inspector general in mid-December issued a report finding the claims of a temporary truck driver for a third-party mail contractor were false. The temporary employee testified at an Assembly hearing in December that was called to look into allegations about the Nov. 3 election.
On its website, the agency again pointed out it doesn’t matter in Wisconsin when a ballot is postmarked. It must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day, or it isn’t counted.
Dominion Voting Systems today filed suit against Lindell for more than $1.3 billion in damages.
See the post: