Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes released a plan to provide a middle class tax cut, slamming U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson for backing tax cuts he says benefited wealthy people like the Oshkosh Republican.
The Dem U.S. Senate candidate’s plan states Barnes will expand the child tax credit, earned income tax credit and other tax cuts.
“The truth is, we have a lot of out-of-touch millionaires in Washington who don’t feel the same urgency of the challenges of the people they’re elected to represent,” Barnes said. “But when you have skin in the game like I do, you don’t stop fighting.”
The plan also includes measures aiming to increase manufacturing in the state, strengthen unions and invest in communities to create good-paying jobs and attract workers.
Some measures Barnes would support under the plan include:
*Increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour and indexing it to inflation;
*Repealing tax cuts for companies that move jobs overseas;
*Supporting legislation to ensure large, federally funded projects benefit American industry;
*Supporting the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, which aims to protect collective bargaining; and
*Investing in health care for rural communities, among other things.
Barnes is running in an Aug. 9 primary with other Dems vying for Johnson’s seat including: State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski; Alex Lasry, who is on leave from his job with the Milwaukee Bucks; and Outagamie County Exec Tom Nelson.
In response to the plan, Nelson on Twitter criticized Barnes, suggesting the plan didn’t go far enough.
“Tax credits are as progressive as it gets for a “hybrid” candidate,” Nelson said. “We need bold leaders who will take on tough issues and take real action.”
See Barnes’ release here.