Two GOP lawmakers are circulating legislation that would end Wisconsin’s participation in a multi-state effort to help election officials detect illegal votes.

The Electronic Registration Information Center has drawn the ire of some conservatives, as well as those who have pushed conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.

In their co-sponsorship memo, State Sen. Duey Stroebel, R-Saukville, and Rep. Ty Bodden, R-Hilbert, raised concerns over what they called “questionable mandates imposed on members, and the potential for partisan influence over ERIC’s operations.” That includes requiring members to increase access to voter registration for all eligible voters.

So far, eight GOP-led states have left ERIC, which helps members check if voters have cast ballots in more than one state during an election.

The GOP co-authors cited other concerns that have led “many to question whether ERIC’s architects placed more of a priority on registering voters as opposed to ensuring the accuracy of voter registration lists.”

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