CHICAGO: Young Wisconsin delegates to the Democratic National Convention say President Joe Biden stepping out of the race to make way for Vice President Kamala Harris has brought new excitement to the race among youth and is paving the way for a new generation to lead. 

A group of under-30 delegates spoke with reporters at the Wisconsin delegation’s first breakfast meeting of the convention. 

Deon Canon, a 27-year-old from Milwaukee who serves as a constituent liaison for U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore, likened Biden stepping away from the race to a changing of the guard, sending a message that, “Okay, this is your turn. This is your turn to lead. This is your turn to have policymaking decisions.”

Henry Pahlow, an 18-year-old from Maribel who serves as national vice-chair of the High School Democrats of America, said the energy among youth is “through the roof” and efforts need to be made to ensure they vote.

“I think we’ve seen it here in Wisconsin, where people on college campuses, people in high schools, are rushing to the polls to register to vote. “And I think the important thing for the campaign going forward is that we make sure that as many young people are registered and know how to vote, know where to vote, know about the issues, know where the candidates stand on those issues, so they know that Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are the people that really care about the issues that young people care about.”

Trevor Jung, 28 and a former Racine alderman, said young people are tired of the negative tone of politics and are “thrilled to support a ticket that supports their values.” 

“I think a lot of young people are done with the drama of politics and the nastiness, and I think that Vice President Harris and Tim Walz are bringing a hopeful vision for the future,” Jung said. 

Landiran Kern Jr, 18, of Fond du Lac, is an incoming freshman at UW-Green Bay who plans to major in political science. 

He said he’s seen attention and excitement in the race spike among youth.

“In the area that I come from, in the beginning, students weren’t excited to vote; they didn’t really care who was the president,” he said. “And when Kamala announced, and Tim Walz announced, I’ve seen people who were planning on voting Republican … and people who weren’t planning on voting at all, who are so ready to vote for the ticket.”

Ana Wilson, a 19-year old from Wauwatosa who will be attending Mount Mary University next semester, said her fellow young delegates are ready for an exciting week.

“I can tell that we’re all very pumped up for this convention,” she said. “And I think that the energy will be electric during this whole week. So I’m very excited for that.”

Watch the video at WisconsinEye.

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