State Dem Chair Ben Wikler says he has the backing of 131 DNC members, a little more than half of what he’d need to win the race to lead the national party.

Wikler posted a thread on X releasing his whip count for the first time as top rival Ken Martin, chair of the Minnesota state party, has said he has the backing of more than 200 Democratic National Committee members.

Wikler wrote securing the gavel requires votes from 225 of the 448 DNC members and he had previously held back on releasing his whip count. In a post that included a story picturing Martin, he added “But another candidate released a count so inflated that, as another campaign rightly said, it was ‘disrespectful to the 448 voting members of the DNC—many of whom are still making up their minds.’”

Referring to Donald Trump’s first days as president, Wikler added, “In a moment of national crisis, DNC members deserve the chance to choose the next Chair based on vision and record, not based on whisper campaigns and attempts to manufacture an illusion of inevitability.”