Shortly after debate kicked off this afternoon on the Foxconn bill, a Dem motion to send the incentive package to the Joint Finance Committee failed on a 57-32 party-line vote.

The Senate is already set to take up the bill in JFC, likely next week.

But Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca, who made the motion, said sending the bill to finance would result in a “better, stronger deal” for taxpayers, workers and small businesses and enhanced environmental protections.

“I think we could have a deal that would be very meaningful, that would offer the kinds of protections Wisconsin taxpayers expect from us,” the Kenosha Dem said. “The real issue is why can we not work together to put together the strongest possible deal for the taxpayers.”

Rep. Gordon Hintz, D-Oshkosh, joined Barca in knocking the process and the bill itself, expressed disbelief that Taiwanese manufacturing company would deliver 13,000 jobs and $10 billion in investments.

“How much Kool-Aid do you have to drink to believe that’s going to happen?” he asked.

And he voiced support for Barca’s motion, as the .

“Usually if you rush things, FYI, it’s because the deal stinks,” he said.

But Rep. Joan Ballweg defended the process, saying it was “wise” to send the bill to the Assembly Committee on Jobs and the Economy.

She noted there were 13 representatives, including herself, working on the bill in that committee, which is more than the eight members the Assembly has on JFC.

“I think the Assembly is well ready and has more than enough time to thoroughly vet this proposal,” said Ballweg, R-Markesan.

Ten representatives did not vote, including four Dems and six Republicans.