Neubauer reappoints Andraca, McGuire to Finance Committee

Assembly Minority Leader Greta Neubauer, D-Racine, today announced she is reappointing Reps. Deb Andraca and Tip McGuire to the Joint Finance Committee. It is the second full session that McGuire, D-Kenosha, will serve on the budget committee. Andraca, D-Whitefish Bay,

Vos adds Hurd to Joint Finance Committee

Meanwhile, Reps. Alex Dallman, R-Green Lake; Jessie Rodriguez, R-Oak Creek; and Shannon Zimmerman, R-River Falls; all will return to the committee next session.

Vos reappoints Born JFC co-chair, names Kurtz vice-chair

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, this afternoon announced he has reappointed Mark Born, R-Beaver Dam, co-chair of the Joint Finance Committee. Vos also appointed Rep. Tony Kurtz, R-Wonewoc, vice-chair.

Joint Finance reworks $36 million plan for opioid money

The Joint Finance Committee today reworked the Evers administration’s $36 million plan for opioid settlement funds in the upcoming fiscal year to send more money to capital projects, medication assisted treatment and law enforcement, among other things.

LFB now projects $3.25 billion surplus, down from $4 billion

The drop was largely driven by two factors: a decrease in the projected growth of tax collections and the deal Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, struck with UW officials to curtail DEI positions that included additional funds for the system.

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