Dems are again slamming the Obamacare replacement bill that passed the GOP-led House following a new Congressional Budget Office score on the legislation.
The CBO released its report on the amended version of the bill this afternoon, finding it would increase the number of people who are uninsured by 23 million in 2026. The report also found it would reduce the deficit by $119 billion by that year, largely due to decreased spending on Medicaid.
House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Janesville, touted the report’s findings today as “another positive step toward keeping our promise to repeal and replace Obamacare.”
“We are on a rescue mission to bring down the cost of coverage and make sure families have access to affordable care,” he said. “This CBO report again confirms that the American Health Care Act achieves our mission: lowering premiums and lowering the deficit.”
But the Dems in the state’s congressional delegation again blasted the bill as one that would gut protections for those with pre-existing conditions and kick people off their coverage.
They also pointed to a chart in the CBO score projecting how much low-income 64-year-olds would pay in premiums compared to current law, partly due to the bill’s significant changes in determining subsidies that people use to pay premiums.
Right now, 64-year-olds with annual incomes of $26,500 pay around $1,700 each year for premiums — after the subsidies are factored in. CBO projected that population could pay at least $13,600 in premiums annually under the House GOP bill, largely due to the significant decrease in subsidies for them.
U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison, called that an “age tax” and also said the bill hurts those with pre-existing conditions.
“If you have a pre-exisiting condition, #TrumpCare weakens the guaranteed protections you have today and gives you higher costs tomorrow,” she wrote on Twitter.
U.S. Rep. Ron Kind, D-La Crosse, tweeted the CBO score found the bill “is a bad deal for rural Wisconsinites.”
And U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Town of Vermont, said “people will pay more for less coverage, if they can even afford it.”