MADISON – Individuals interested in learning about specialty crop growing techniques in Door County can attend two Specialty Crop Field Days hosted by DATCP. The field days will be held July 19-20, 2017 and will feature site visits to four Door County farms where specialty crops are grown.

Field Day participants will tour four farms over two days featuring different specialty crops, as follows:

  • Wednesday, July 19 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.), Green Gate Farm, Washington Island, juniper berries; **2nd location TBD – information to follow.
  • Thursday, July 20 (9 a.m.-4 p.m.), Carson’s Island View Orchard, Sister Bay, cherries; Lautenbach’s Orchard Country Winey, Fish Creek, grapes.

Registration ($25 for one day; $50 for both days) includes lunch, morning and afternoon snacks, a resources bundle and the farms tours. Registration also includes ferry fare to Washington Island on July 19. Register at:   The registration deadline is July 12.

DATCP will forward itinerary, ferry information and any other pertinent details to registrants prior to the event.

Specialty crops are defined in law as “fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture).”

Although Wisconsin is well known for dairy products, the state also produces a wide variety of specialty crops, including cranberries, cherries, grapes, apples, strawberries and a host of other agricultural commodities. Wisconsin leads the nation in the production of cranberries and snap beans for processing, and ranks in the top ten for crops such as potatoes, cherries, maple syrup, carrots, and sweet corn.

The Field Days, hosted by DATCP’s Agriculture and Food Center, are designed to showcase the unique variety of specialty crops grown in Door County and help spread the knowledge of savvy growers who cultivate these crops, said Angie Sullivan, DATCP organic, grazing and specialty crop specialist. “This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about this important segment of Wisconsin agriculture.”

“We’re excited to learn from producers of specialty crops in this region and share it with others from across the state,” said Kietra Olson, DATCP Wisconsin Foods Program manager.

DATCP’s Agriculture and Food Center hosted similar Specialty Crop Fields Days in the Bayfield area in May.

For more information, contact Kietra Olson at or For more information about specialty crops:

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