Walgreen’s, 2410 W. Forest Home Ave. to Lincoln Play Yard, 300 W. Lincoln Ave.

MKE HEROIN DIARIES will march on Saturday, March 4, 2017 beginning at 1 p.m. from Walgreen’s on 24th & Forest Home to the Lincoln Play Yard on 3rd & Lincoln Avenue across from the 2nd District Police Station. The route was chosen upon speaking with local community networks who highlighted several key points: how Walgreens is doing its part in the war on prescription drug abuse; how 4 out of 5 heroin users began their addiction while using prescription pills; and how the culmination of the march at the police station represented a symbolic plea for community members to engage with the police in this war on opioids.


When: Saturday, March 4, 1:00PM – 3:00PM

Where: Walgreen’s, 2410 W. Forest Home Ave. to Lincoln Play Yard, 300 W. Lincoln Ave.

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