Contact: Marina Dimitrijevic 414-255-4009
Kenosha, Wisconsin – Activists from Forward Kenosha, Forward Racine, Left of the I, Our Wisconsin Revolution CD1, the Kenosha County Democratic Party, and the Wisconsin Working Families will gather at the Kenosha office of House Majority Leader Paul Ryan to hold him accountable for the cruel health care repeal bill passed in the House and being debated in the Senate. Residents will speak about their concerns with #TrumpCare and how they will be personally affected.
Though Sen. Mitch McConnell said yesterday that he will put off a vote on the Senate version of the bill, residents will continue to advocate against the measure, which will strip health care from 23 million Americans. They will call on Sen. Ron Johnson to continue his stated opposition to the bill.
What: Vigil to Save Health Care
When: Wednesday, June 28 at 5:30 PM
Who: #ResistRyan, supporters, and allies
Where: Congressman Paul Ryan’s Office, 5031 7th Ave, Kenosha 53140
Editors note: A small crowd is expected and will share personal stories of how they will be affected by #Trumpcare
This health care vigil is the event sponsored by #ResistRyan, founded recently to expose Paul Ryan’s agenda to put wealthy donors above Wisconsin families. #ResistRyan is where constituents, grassroots activists, and local organizations can unite — on conference calls, in meetings, on the #ResistRyan website (, in #ResistRyan emails and social media communications, and with a #ResistRyan toolkit—to uplift our collective voices to hold Paul Ryan responsible for his actions. Through a national rapid response network, #ResistRyan is a new level of local coordination, national support, and escalating action.
#ResistRyan is a non-partisan collaboration focused on exposing and opposing Paul Ryan’s extreme agenda. #ResistRyan is a collaboration with local groups Wisconsin Working Families, Our Wisconsin Revolution-Kenosha, Forward Kenosha, Forward Racine, Left of the I, the United Auto Workers, faith leaders, and other labor and immigrant rights groups. #ResistRyan is also everyday residents in Wisconsin’s First District, the state, and around the country who believe that Paul Ryan is leading America in the wrong direction.