Gary R. Goyke

Legislative Director, WATO

Wisconsin Association of Taxicab Owners



State Senate Parlor

2nd Floor South, State Capitol

Thursday August 242017

1:30 p.m. -2:00 p.m.


The news conference will address concerns related to the current state law which exempted newly statutorily named transportation network companies (TNC’s) from local ordinances and other long held public safeguards for transporting passengers.

The 1:30 p.m. news conference will be part of a Legislative Day devoted to sharing with state legislators support for the two mentioned bills. Additional serious concerns regarding the negative effects of the TNC law on local Wisconsin companies will be communicated.

The legislative day is sponsored by the following Wisconsin organizations.


Wisconsin Association of Taxicab Owners

Southeastern Wisconsin Taxi Drivers Association

MKE Airport Alliance

Wisconsin Limousine Association