Contact: LT Mike Ball
Milwaukee Fire Department
Director Community Relations
WHAT: Milwaukee Firefighters will provide new winter coats to 8,000 school children in the City of Milwaukee.
WHO:Fire Chief Mark Rohlfing
Assistant Fire Chief Gerard Washington
Milwaukee Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Keith Posley
WHEN: November 16, 2017 at 11:00 a.m.
WHERE: Hawthorne Elementary School – 6945 North 41st Street, Milwaukee, WI
DETAILS: Milwaukee Firefighters and Milwaukee Fire Department Local 215 have been raising money throughout the year to support the “Warm Up Winter” campaign. At the conclusion of this year’s campaign, Milwaukee Firefighters, will have donated 38,000 new
winter coats to children across 74 Milwaukee-area schools over a six-year period.
Oftentimes, when children do not have proper coats they will either fail to attend school and/or will not participate in outdoor recess, which helps them burn excess energy and allows them to focus during class. Providing warm coats to these children protects them
from the harsh Wisconsin winter while helping them to be more attentive students.
This past June Milwaukee-area residents generously helped us raise nearly $89,000 when Milwaukee Firefighters collected donations at intersections throughout the city. Thanks to the generosity of both citizens and local businesses, Milwaukee Firefighters, through the “Warm Up Winter” campaign, will deliver 8,000 new winter coats to students at 22 schools in the City of Milwaukee this year.