Dignitaries to recognize excellence and explore support for programs

MILWAUKEE – Consul General Giuseppe Finocchiaro and Dr. Sandro Corso, Director of Educational Programs for the Consulate General of Italy–Chicago, will tour Victory K–8 and Milwaukee Italian Immersion School (MIIS) today. During their visit, they will present a financial gift to the school, recognize the hard work and commitment of MIIS staff, and gather information about the potential designation of MIIS as an Italian Section.

Victory K–8 and Milwaukee Italian Immersion School, 2222 W. Henry Ave., Milwaukee

Monday, December 10, 2018 at 11 a.m.

As an Italian Section, the school would be eligible for financial support and professional development, and students would have access to options to attend a university in Italy or the European Union. The designation would strengthen the authenticity and quality of the Italian Immersion program.

The Italian government has a strong interest in programs that promote the Italian language throughout the world. They consider MIIS to be a valuable public entity that deserves their backing.

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