U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Milwaukee, declared Donald Trump “totally and unequivocally unfit for the presidency.”

But she avoided a “Samantha Bee moment” in her speech to Dem activists.

Bee has drawn fire for calling Ivanka Trump a “feckless c***” during a segment on her TV show that focused on the migrant crisis on the U.S. border. It drew fire from the White House, and Bee has apologized.

Moore has often delivered one of the more colorful — and longest — speeches as Dem conventions in the past. She noted the party is trying to keep this year’s convention on time before mentioning she wanted to avoid a “Samantha Bee moment.”

“If you see me sort of crossing things off, it’s because I don’t want to be that person tonight,” Moore said.

She began talking about Trump taking the oath of office in January 2017 before pausing.

“I’m not going to say this,” she said before turning a page over and saying she should skip two more pages of stuff. She then said Trump’s campaign included foreign agents, money launderers, misogynists, bigots, trolls, dodgy lawyers, conspiracy theorists and “old-fashioned pay-for-play crooks.”

“Donald J. Trump is totally and unequivocally unfit for the presidency,” Moore declared.

She also took a shot at what some believe are “problems” in America. She said “our problem” is not Stormy Daniels of NFL players taking a knee, drawing applause from the crowd. She said the real problems are “when folks tear infants from the arms of mothers at the border” or food is taken from the mouths of poor children.

“We know what our problems are,” she said.

This post is part of our coverage of the 2018 state Dem convention in Oshkosh. See the rest of our coverage here: https://www.wispolitics.com/category/dem-convos/