A new report from UnitedHealthcare ranks Wisconsin slightly higher for measures of health this year than in 2016, the last time this report was created.

America’s Health Rankings provides a picture of health for women and children across the country based on 62 indicators. The United Health Foundation looks at environment, clinical care, behaviors, policies and concrete outcomes to understand the health of these populations on the national level, but also state by state.

Wisconsin was ranked 14th in this most recent report, up from 15th in 2016. Some of the state’s measures improved, while others worsened slightly.

The percentage of uninsured women aged 18-44 went down from 10.3 percent to 7 percent, and tobacco use during pregnancy decreased from 13.1 percent to 12 percent of live births.

Infant mortality went from 6 deaths to 5.8 deaths per 1,000 live births. But maternal mortality increased from 13.6 deaths to 14.3 deaths per 100,000 live births.

See more at WisBusiness.com.