Dem activists on Sunday approved a resolution calling for the end of requiring proof of a physical address to register or vote.
Instead, there would be no requirement “other than spoken or written” proof from someone seeking to register or vote. The resolution would also allow a voter to complete a change of address online or by phone.
The resolution was approved 39-36; there were some 1,400 delegates, alternatives and guests who attended the convention this weekend. All are eligible to vote on resolutions.
Currently, state law requires proof of residence, such as a Wisconsin driver’s license or utility bill, to register. Wisconsin also has a voter ID law to cast a ballot.
Other resolutions delegates approved include:
*banning presidential candidates from the ballot unless they provide their last seven years of tax returns.
*backing “red flag” laws and universal background checks.
*creating a panel of county residents to investigate officer-involved shootings and banning DAs from ruling on such issues in their own counties. The panel of residents would be chosen from a jury pool.
The delegates also got into a lengthy debate about a resolution calling for Medicare for all with some pushing to change the language to health care for all. The proposed amendment was rejected and the resolution was approved.
And they approved a resolution calling on the state party to provide “living wage compensation” for all hired positions, including internships and fellowships. Activists got into a lengthy debate on whether to amend the resolution to instead calling for a minimum wage, but it was rejected.
The debate exceeded the allotted time for resolutions, resulting in those that hadn’t been considered being sent to a committee that will next review them.