- Soil and Water Resource Management (SWRM) Bonding. Provide $10,000,000 in bonding authority in the biennium to SWRM (an increase from $7 million). SWRM provides cost sharing grants to farmers to build infrastructure that reduces non-point water pollution from agriculture.
- Target Runoff Management (TRM) Bonding. Provide $6,500,000 in bonding authority in the biennium to TRM (an increase from $6.15 million). TRM provides cost sharing grants to local governments to build infrastructure that reduces non-point water pollution.
- Target Runoff Management (TRM) Non-bonded Funds. Provide an additional $400,000 SEG annually for TRM non-bonded projects (base funding is $100,000 SEG). In addition to infrastructure projects, TRM funds studies and programing related to best practices for non-point runoff management. The DNR has indicated that the majority of the funding increase will be utilized implementing performance standard changes related to the karst Silurian Bedrock area (Door County south to Milwaukee County).
- Urban Non-Point Stormwater Management Bonding. Provide $4,000,000 in bonding authority in the biennium to the urban non-point stormwater management program (an increase from $3.7 million). The urban non-point stormwater management program provides cost sharing grants to local governments to build infrastructure that reduces stormwater runoff. Funding was cut under the Walker administration from $6.0 million per biennium to $3.7 million per biennium.
- Non-point Contractual Funding. Provide $730,000 SEG in each year of the biennium for non-point related contractual services. Major items here include: $300,000 to UW-Extension for education and outreach to farmers, $20,000 to UW Center of Land Use Education to provide education and technical assistance to property owners, $75,000 to maintain a non-point best management practices website and $180,000 for software (SnapPlus) to help farmers make data driven decisions related to the use of commercial fertilizers.
- Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL). Authorize 4.00 FTE project positions to accelerate the implementation of the Wisconsin River, Milwaukee River, Rock River and St. Croix River basin’s TMDLs. TMDLs regulate the total water pollution that may be discharged into an impaired water basin and reduce pollution levels so that the basin is no longer impaired.
- Contaminated Sediment Bonding. Provide $25,000,000 in additional bonding authority in the biennium for contaminated sediment bonding. The funds would help cleanup five areas of concern (three in the Milwaukee River and two in the St. Louis River) in the Great Lakes basin that are contaminated with PCBs, DDT, dioxin and heavy metals.
- Lead Service Lines. Provide $40,000,000 in GO bonding authority in the biennium for the replacement of lead service lines. The money would be distributed as forgivable loans to municipalities and could cover up to 50 percent of the cost of replacing a lead service line. The funding could replace approximately 16,000 of the estimated 170,000 lead service lines in the state.
- Extend Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA). PECFA provides reimbursement for expenses related to the cleanup of property that has been contaminated with petroleum products. PECFA was scheduled to end on June 30, 2020; the budget will extend the deadline to June 30, 2021.