“From Badgercare to Medicare for All: Achieving Universal Health Care,”
Wednesday, April 10, 6 PM-7:45 PM, Janesville
“With the President asking a federal court to invalidate the entire Affordable Care Act the issue of health care looks like it will remain a key issue in future elections,” said Chuck Ogg of the Rock County Progressives. “With greater numbers recognizing health care as a basic human right, the challenge has become how to both protect and expand the existing health care system, as lives depend upon it, while also moving toward a truly universal system. Therefore we are are excited to have Kevin Kane of Citizens Action and Erin Evans of Beloit College speak on “From Badgercare to Medicare for All: Achieving Universal Health Care” at our upcoming forum. Kevin will focus on current attempts to expand ‘Badgercare’ while Erin will focus on the local campaign to raise awareness of Rep. Jayapal’s ‘Medicare for All’ single-payer bill in the House. This event will be held on Wednesday, April 10, at *The Community Room, 1711 Lodge Drive in Janesville, at 6:00 PM. This event is free and open to the public.”
Contact information: RockCountyProgressives.com or RockCountyProgressives@
Contact person: Chuck Ogg 608-322-2889 (for press purposes only, please do not publish).
* In Basics Food Cooperative, they ask that we please use “The Community Room.”
RockCountyProgressives.org, also on Facebook
The Rock County Progressives are a nonpartisan organization whose mission is to promote education and activism around progressive issues in Rock County. We usually have educational forms every second Wednesday of each month.
Additional Information:
Medicare-for-all: Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s new bill:
“Gov. Tony Evers and Republicans square off over BadgerCare as Evers backs off plan to dissolve WEDC”
Kevin Kane, Director, Organizing Co-op Incubator (B.A. Marquette University, M.S.A.E., Marquette University). Kevin joined Citizen Action in 2011 as the Healthcare Organizer and was awarded the “Advocate of the Year” in 2012 by HealthWatch Wisconsin and the 2017 “Community Healthcare Champion of the Year” award by the Wisconsin Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals. In 2014, Kevin spearheaded the largest concurrent grassroots referendum campaign in Wisconsin history on Medicaid/BadgerCare, with over 1 million Wisconsinites voting, showing super-majority support. He authored reports on health care and economic policy issues. He was a founding board member of the Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative which provides affordable health coverage to over 50,000 members. He grew up in Palatine, IL, and has lived his entire adult life in Milwaukee.
Erin Evans earned her B.A. in English Literature and Psychology (2003) and her M.A. in Political Science (2008) at San Francisco State University, and her Ph.D. in Sociology at University of California-Irvine in 2016. Her teaching and research program is anchored to her background as a grassroots activist and labor union educator.