Hesselbein says Dems already expressing interest in ’26 Senate bids

Dems went into the 2023-25 session in a super-minority with just 11 members in the chamber. But they will walk in the door January with that GOP edge narrowed to 18-15 and the opportunity to flip the chamber in 2026 with four competitive races on the ballot. Three are now in Republican hands and the fourth is represented by Sen. Jeff Smith, D-Eau Claire.

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James campaign: Statement

ALTOONA, WI… Senator Jesse James (R-Altoona) issued the following statement: “I take pride in being an open and honest elected official. “Last month, I discovered that $32,000 was withdrawn from my campaign accountwithout authorization over the course of 2024. The

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Rewind: Your Week in Review for Dec. 13

On this week’s episode of “Rewind,” WisPolitics.com’s JR Ross and CBS 58’s Emilee Fannon discuss a court appearance for those charged in the 2020 Republican false electors case, a challenge to Joint Finance Committee oversight of state Department of Justice settlements, the Department of Public Instruction adopting reading curriculum without JFC approval, Gov Tony Evers’ opposition to a plan from Assembly Speaker Robin Vos to require state workers to return to the office, property tax hikes and more.

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Forward Together Wisconsin: Widespread building electrification could save $60 billion per year, create more than 1 million jobs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save thousands of lives

MADISON, WI–Rewiring America is highlighting the positive benefits of electrification with a new report that calculates the energy savings, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and air quality improvements that could be possible if every American household transitioned to efficient electric

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U.S. Rep. Fitzgerald: Votes to fix Greenfield zip code issue

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Scott Fitzgerald (WI-05) issued the following statement in response to the passage of H.R. 8753, to direct the United States Postal Service to designate single, unique ZIP Codes for certain communities. This legislation would mandate that the U.S. Postal Service

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Hesselbein says Dems already expressing interest in ’26 Senate bids

Dems went into the 2023-25 session in a super-minority with just 11 members in the chamber. But they will walk in the door January with that GOP edge narrowed to 18-15 and the opportunity to flip the chamber in 2026 with four competitive races on the ballot. Three are now in Republican hands and the fourth is represented by Sen. Jeff Smith, D-Eau Claire.

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James campaign: Statement

ALTOONA, WI… Senator Jesse James (R-Altoona) issued the following statement: “I take pride in being an open and honest elected official. “Last month, I discovered that $32,000 was withdrawn from my campaign accountwithout authorization over the course of 2024. The money was withdrawn by mycampaign treasurer, who is my daughter.

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Rewind: Your Week in Review for Dec. 13

On this week’s episode of “Rewind,” WisPolitics.com’s JR Ross and CBS 58’s Emilee Fannon discuss a court appearance for those charged in the 2020 Republican false electors case, a challenge to Joint Finance Committee oversight of state Department of Justice settlements, the Department of Public Instruction adopting reading curriculum without JFC approval, Gov Tony Evers’ opposition to a plan from Assembly Speaker Robin Vos to require state workers to return to the office, property tax hikes and more.

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Forward Together Wisconsin: Widespread building electrification could save $60 billion per year, create more than 1 million jobs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, save thousands of lives

MADISON, WI–Rewiring America is highlighting the positive benefits of electrification with a new report that calculates the energy savings, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and air quality improvements that could be possible if every American household transitioned to efficient electric appliances. Space heating, water heating, and clothes drying appliances powered

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UWM: To award more than 1,700 degrees at commencement Dec. 15

MILWAUKEE_The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee will award more than 1,700 degrees at its 131st commencement on Sunday, Dec. 15, at 10 a.m. at the UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena, 400 W. Kilbourn Ave. The university will present 1,092 bachelor’s degrees, 492 master’s degrees, 63 doctoral degrees, 75 associate degrees and 73 certificates. The

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U.S. Rep. Fitzgerald: Votes to fix Greenfield zip code issue

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Scott Fitzgerald (WI-05) issued the following statement in response to the passage of H.R. 8753, to direct the United States Postal Service to designate single, unique ZIP Codes for certain communities. This legislation would mandate that the U.S. Postal Service designate a unique ZIP Code for 51 municipalities nationwide, including

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Libertarian Party of Wisconsin: Tax pain begins at the local level

From additional sales taxes to “special assessments” to property assessments, a notable share of your tax burden begins at the local level. Mayors, city/town/village councils, county boards, school boards and more all have a direct impact on your life, yet some of these officials run unopposed year after year. If

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Gov. Evers: Seeks applicants for Wood County Circuit Court

MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers announced today that he is seeking applicants for the Wood County Circuit Court – Branch 1. The appointment will fill a vacancy created by Judge Gregory J. Potter’s retirement. The new judge will complete a term ending July 31, 2025. To apply, please email a completed application

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Vista Sands Solar: Project receives approval from state regulators

[Portage County, WI] – Today, the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW) announced the approval of Doral’s Vista Sands Solar project, located near the towns of Plover and Grant in Portage County, Wisconsin. The proposed solar project is the largest of its kind in Wisconsin’s history, with a generating capacity of

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