Congratulations on your hard earned victories. This election has certainly been a test of our drive, determination and sheer grit.

It is perhaps an overused quote by us here in Wisconsin, yet I don’t know a better one to describe our battle for WI this election.

“I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle – victorious.” -Vince Lombardi

I know many of you poured your hearts into this election, whether you found yourself in a primary or facing a seemingly insurmountable battle in a district drawn by democrats determined to take over our state, or whether you spent most of your time helping those patriots fighting in those difficult districts because your district was safely Republican.

The democrats failed because of your hard work.

You stepped up, raising money, knocking doors and fighting against great odds to hold our legislature for Republicans and saving our state from becoming Walz’s Minnesota.

It has been my pride and my honor to fight alongside all of you great patriots and warriors of freedom.

I was blessed to be drawn into a district that is strongly Republican despite it being 75% new to me. So while I did spend a lot of spring and early summer knocking in my own new district, I spent most of my time in late summer and fall fighting to hold the Assembly Republican majority. All told, I spent 42 days on Leggiepalooza and knocked on 9000 doors (5500 or so on the palooza days).

I believe I have shown my full commitment to this team of fighters and our state. And while we revel today in this great victory for WI, know that we are facing a battle just as great as we go into this next session and prepare for the 2026 gubernatorial election.

With all this in mind, I am going to be running for assistant majority leader to help in this ongoing fight for WI. I will be reaching out to many of you individually over the next week and hope to get your support in the leadership elections.

God Bless and On Wisconsin.

Shae Sortwell