Hesselbein says Dems already expressing interest in ’26 Senate bids

Dems went into the 2023-25 session in a super-minority with just 11 members in the chamber. But they will walk in the door January with that GOP edge narrowed to 18-15 and the opportunity to flip the chamber in 2026 with four competitive races on the ballot. Three are now in Republican hands and the fourth is represented by Sen. Jeff Smith, D-Eau Claire.

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LFB now projects $3.25 billion surplus, down from $4 billion

The drop was largely driven by two factors: a decrease in the projected growth of tax collections and the deal Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, struck with UW officials to curtail DEI positions that included additional funds for the system. The latter includes $423 million in state money for building projects on the UW campuses, among other things.

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JFC denies DSPS position request, approves GOP tax cut bill

The GOP-run Joint Finance Committee today shot down along party lines the Evers administration’s request for more positions to help process credential requests at the Department of Safety and Professional Services.

JFC also voted 11-4 along party lines on a $3 billion GOP bill seeking to reduce the state’s third-highest income tax bracket while expanding an existing break on retirement income.

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Hesselbein says Dems already expressing interest in ’26 Senate bids

Dems went into the 2023-25 session in a super-minority with just 11 members in the chamber. But they will walk in the door January with that GOP edge narrowed to 18-15 and the opportunity to flip the chamber in 2026 with four competitive races on the ballot. Three are now in Republican hands and the fourth is represented by Sen. Jeff Smith, D-Eau Claire.

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LFB now projects $3.25 billion surplus, down from $4 billion

The drop was largely driven by two factors: a decrease in the projected growth of tax collections and the deal Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, struck with UW officials to curtail DEI positions that included additional funds for the system. The latter includes $423 million in state money for building projects on the UW campuses, among other things.

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JFC denies DSPS position request, approves GOP tax cut bill

The GOP-run Joint Finance Committee today shot down along party lines the Evers administration’s request for more positions to help process credential requests at the Department of Safety and Professional Services.

JFC also voted 11-4 along party lines on a $3 billion GOP bill seeking to reduce the state’s third-highest income tax bracket while expanding an existing break on retirement income.

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