David Kurtz

(Portage, Wis.) – The following is a statement issued by Wisconsin American Legion state
commander Laurel Clewell:

“The Wisconsin American Legion is extremely heartened by the overwhelming,
bipartisan response to concerns we raised in late July about the loss of federal grant
money for Wisconsin’s homeless veterans housing programs. This is a rare example of
federal and state elected representatives reaching across party lines and fighting for
veterans care.

“Unfortunately, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has only extended funding for
Wisconsin’s programs for one year. While the action deserves acknowledgment and
appreciation, it is but a temporary fix for a system that clearly needs more permanent

“We look forward to working closely with veterans advocates, the Wisconsin Department
of Veterans Affairs, Governor Walker, our Congressional delegation and legislative
leaders in crafting a system of compassionate and effective care for our homeless
veterans – a system that will merit continuing federal support.”