Contact: Brandon Weathersby
MILWAUKEE, WI – Today, Andy Gronik, a Wisconsin Gubernatorial candidate, released a short film on YouTube produced by Putnum Partners entitled “Their Stories” to champion the stories of people living throughout our state, to fight for our progressive values, to end the Scott Walker era that’s hurting Wisconsin families, and to stand up to Donald Trump.
“I want everyone to have a shot at the American dream but this is not possible under the Walker administration,” Gronik said. “And, I find this completely unacceptable.”
Andy believes in a government that listens and puts the people of Wisconsin first. He knows it possible for Wisconsin families to have a better life in our state – a life where hard work provides for a secure retirement; where everyone has access to affordable healthcare if we get sick; where our kids go to good public schools and have a chance to go to an affordable college. Andy has plans to bring Wisconsin together and build this kind of future for our state – together.
“Their Stories” shines a light on the impacts that Governor Walker’s failed policies are having on families around our state. Unlike Scott Walker, Andy’s plan for economic development will make incentive packages like the ones being offered to Foxconn fully transparent so Wisconsin taxpayers know that deals are being negotiated with their best interests in mind. “Scott Walker is willing to speculate that Wisconsin taxpayers will see payback from the $3 Billion dollar investment in a Taiwanese tech giant in 25 years, but won’t make a long-term investment in our schools, roads and Internet to give our kids and our state what’s needed to thrive throughout Wisconsin. This make no sense to me!” Gronik said. “I’ll put the people of Wisconsin first.”
Gronik has been traveling the state for 19 months, listening to the concerns of people from all walks of life and political beliefs. “I’ll tell you the one thing everyone in Wisconsin has in common,” he said. “It doesn’t matter where you live in our state — nobody thinks government is listening.”
Andy is going to bring people back to the table to have real conversations and identify the very best ideas to move Wisconsin forward. Gronik believes this film is just one of many ways we’re going to rediscover that every Wisconsin story has far more in common than what divides us.
“Our state deserves a leader that listens and puts people first – that’s the kind of leader I’ll be as Governor,” concluded Gronik.
Watch “Their Stories” YouTube and