Contact: Jeff Flynt
(920) 448-4083

(Brown County, Wis.) – Moody’s Investors Service has assigned an Aaa rating to Brown County. This is the highest bond credit rating attainable from Moody’s.

“Our financial strategy since I took office has been to make the tough decisions with a clear vision of our economic future,” says County Executive Troy Streckenbach. “Each year we’ve held the line on tax increases, while paying down our overall debt all to better position Brown County to reinvest in our community.”

One of the strengths cited in the Moody’s report is the County’s Debt Reduction,
Infrastructure and Property Tax Relief plan approved earlier this year. The temporary
72-month, half-percent sales tax will cut Brown County’s debt in half, eliminate bonding for six years, avoid mountains of interest by paying cash for projects, while investing over $147 million in infrastructure and facilities.

It also lists the large tax base Brown County has, along with strong financial operations backed by healthy reserves. The County’s total value going well above $20 billion has allowed for a 1% tax rate cut, along with the ability to tackle a number of operational and community issues in a fiscally responsible manner. For more information regarding the rating, please visit

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