David Keith
(262) 260-9366
KENOSHA—Today, candidate for Congress Randy Bryce called out Paul Ryan for a lack of leadership on restoring funding for state programs that house homeless veterans in Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District.
“Wisconsin’s veterans need this funding restored immediately,” said Bryce. “Leadership requires strength, and Ryan’s office’s mealy-mouthed response sends the signal he simply doesn’t care or doesn’t understand. Either way, it’s not enough.
“Forget politics – just stand up and clearly say, ‘Restore This Funding,’” said Bryce. “It’s pretty simple.
Senator Wirch and Senator Baldwin spoke out against the change in the Kenosha News, while Speaker Ryan refused to do so and simply said he would “work with” officials.
The letter calling for a restoration of funding from Congresspersons Pocan, Moore, and Sensenbrenner can be found on Medium.
Bryce can be found on Twitter at @ironstache, on Facebook at /randybryce2018, and on the web at