Contact: Jessica Lovejoy (608-318-3065)

MILWAUKEE – Dozens of elected leaders from across Milwaukee County today announced their endorsement for Judge Rebecca Dallet in her campaign for Wisconsin Supreme Court.

“Our criminal and civil justice systems only work when we have judges who truly understand justice, like Judge Rebecca Dallet,” said State Senator LaTonya Johnson. “She is fair, tough, independent, and trustworthy, and she has earned my enthusiastic endorsement to make our courts work again.”

“If we want a strong judicial system, we need Judge Rebecca Dallet on the bench,” said Whitefish Bay Village President Julie Siegel. “She understands the hopes and dreams of our neighbors, and is ready to bring her tremendous experience in the courtroom to ensure fair and impartial application of the law. I support her campaign completely.”

“Between Judge Rebecca Dallet and her opponents, there is simply no comparison when it comes to experience in the courts,” said Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm. “Judge Dallet truly understands what it means to be just and fair, and her experience as a prosecutor and a judge, having tried and overseen thousands more cases than her opponents, prepare her for success as our next Supreme Court justice. I am proud to endorse her.”

“I am honored and humbled to have earned the support of these officials, who work every day to make our communities stronger,” said Judge Dallet.

The full list of Milwaukee County elected officials endorsing today includes:

· J. Stephen Anderson, President, Village of River Hills
· Robert Bauman, Alderman, Milwaukee Common Council
· Dan Bukiewicz, Mayor, Oak Creek
· Tim Carpenter, State Senator, District 3
· John Chisholm, Milwaukee County District Attorney
· David Crowley, State Representative, District 17
· Dan Devine, Mayor, West Allis
· Marilyn Franklin, School Board Member, Nicolet
· Carl Fuda, Board of Trustees, Whitefish Bay
· Evan Goyke, State Representative, District 18
· Jason Haas, Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, District 14
· Cavalier Johnson, Alderman, Milwaukee Common Council
· LaTonya Johnson, State Senator, District 6
· Willie Johnson, Jr., Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, District 13
· Carl Krueger, President, Village of Brown Deer
· Chris Larson, State Senator, District 7
· Michael Neitzke, Mayor, City of Greenfield
· Sandy Pasch, Former State Representative, District 10 & 22
· José Pérez, Alderman, Milwaukee Common Council
· Robert Ruesch, President, Village of Hales Corners
· David Sartori, Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, District 8
· Theresa Seem, School Board Member, Nicolet
· Julie Siegel, President, Whitefish Bay
· Christine Sinicki, State Representative, District 20
· Tomika Vukovic, Alderwoman and School Board Member, City of Glendale
· Sheldon Wasserman, Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, District 2; Former State Representative, District 22
· John Weishan, Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, District 16
· Peggy West, Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, District 12
· Terry Witkowski, Alderman, Milwaukee Common Council
· Josh Zepnick, State Representative, District 9

These officials join 142 current or retired judges from across the state and dozens of leaders from other counties in endorsing her campaign.

Rebecca Dallet is a mom, an experienced attorney, and a judge. She has served on the Circuit Court bench for almost ten years and worked as a prosecutor for more than a decade prior to that. During her career, Dallet worked to put sexual predators behind bars, and prosecuted drug, gun, and violent crime cases. She has served as the presiding judge in domestic violence and misdemeanor court, and presided over serious felony, homicide and drug courts, as well as civil court.

With the support of local leaders, elected officials, and judges from across the state, Judge Dallet plans to help restore the independence of the Supreme Court. She believes in fair and impartial courts that interpret and uphold the law in an independent, fair, and balanced manner.

Judge Dallet’s campaign can be found online at, and on Facebook and Twitter at @judgedallet. For more information or to attend an upcoming event, contact Jessica Lovejoy at or (608) 318-3065.

A full list of endorsements is available at