Media Contacts: Rick Hummell,

or Bill Cosh, Communications Director,


MADISON – Producers of feed and feed ingredients have an opportunity to enhance their sales during the upcoming World Dairy Expo through scheduled one-on-one meetings with international buyers of valued-added feed and feed ingredients. The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection’s International Trade Team will coordinate the meetings with prequalified buyers from China, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, Colombia, and Mexico.

The mission coincides with World Dairy Expo, scheduled Oct. 3 to Oct. 7 in Madison. Early registration, which includes a cost savings, ends Aug. 11. Final registration ends Sept. 1.

The six participating foreign buyers are interested in a diverse range of products, including alfalfa, alfalfa meal and pellets, amino acids, beet pulp, high protein corn meal, Dried Distiller Grain Solubles, lysine, microbial feed additives, milk replacers, pre-mixed feeds, soybean meal, vitamins and minerals, whey products, baking ingredients including butter, cheeses, milk powder, yogurt, snack food, and infant formula.

Participants in the 2016 Value-Added Feed and Feed Ingredients Buyers Mission projected a total of $17.4 million in sales in the 12 months following the mission. Wisconsin companies interested in exploring new opportunities for their feed products are encouraged to take advantage of this cost-effective way to build relationships with international buyers and to gain valuable insights into the represented markets.

Food Export Midwest and DATCP are the co-sponsors of the event. For more information, contact DATCP’s Jennifer Lu at 608-224-5102 / or Enrique Gandara at 608-224-5113 /


What: Value-Added Feed and Feed Ingredients Buyers Mission

Where: Concourse Hotel, Madison, Wisconsin

When: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 (8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m)

Wednesday, October 4, 2017 (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m)

Thursday, October 5, 2017 (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)


Cost: $150 if you register by Aug. 11; $225 by Sept. 1.

