CONTACT: Kevin Wallenfang, deer and elk ecologist, 608-261-7589
MADISON-Early in September, County Deer Advisory Councils will provide preliminary recommendations on county deer population objectives for the next three years and potential changes to Deer Management Unit (DMU) boundaries for online public review and comment.
The online public comment period regarding these recommendations will begin after noonon Sept. 11 and run through Sept. 22, 2017.
Preliminary deer population objective recommendations received from the councils will be to increase, decrease or maintain the size of the local herd over the next three years. Changes to DMU boundaries will influence the area where antlerless tags may be used within the county and season structure options in those areas. Final recommendations will go into effect in 2018 and will guide annual antlerless quota recommendations for the next three years.
“Councils will be reviewing deer herd metrics, talking to stakeholders and listening to public comments and concerns when developing their preliminary recommendations,” said Kevin Wallenfang, deer and elk ecologist with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. “We want to make sure anyone with an interest in deer management has an opportunity to provide input on these important decisions before the final recommendations are made.”
Preliminary population objectives and DMU boundary recommendations for each CDAC will be posted online at by searching keyword “CDAC.” After reviewing the recommendations, the public can enter opinions and comments into a web-based survey, also on the CDAC Web page.
Once the online public comment period has closed, CDACs will receive feedback from the surveys to consider when developing their final recommendations. Recommendations will be finalized at public meetings in early October. Public comments are also welcome as the DNR reviews the recommendations in November and can be submitted through email at
For more information, including October meeting dates and locations, visit the CDAC web page, or email