Liz Hecht,, (608) 239-1364
Barbara Katz,, (608) 220-9598
Family Voices of Wisconsin, a network of families who have children and youth with disabilities
and/or special health care needs, applauds the Joint Finance Committee’s approval to end wait lists for children’s long-term supports as part of the 2017-2019 state budget.
Right now over 2600 children who are eligible for the CLTS program are on county waitlists. The program allows families to receive funding for essential supports and services. Long-term
support programs allow families to continue to work, be a part of their communities and
support their children’s health and well-being.
By approving this budget proposal, the Joint Finance Committee is supporting an important
investment in Wisconsin families who care for their children with significant developmental,
physical or emotional disabilities. Children will no longer wait for essential interventions to
maximize their development.
“Families tell us that being placed on a 2 to 8 year waiting list for the CLTS program (depending on their county of residence) means missed opportunities for their children and negative impacts on their whole family, including increased stress and financial uncertainty,” said Liz Hecht, Family Voices Co-Director.
Family Voices of Wisconsin thanks Governor Walker and members of the Joint Finance Committee for their commitment to eliminating wait list for Wisconsin families who have
children with disabilities. This move makes us unique among states in our nation.