Contact: David Gorski,                 715 213 2223

For Immediate Release                                November 15, 2017

David Gorki to Announce Candidacy for State Assembly72nd District

Wisconsin Rapids—David Gorski announced his intention to run for the 72nd State Assembly seat in central Wisconsin today.

This is the second run for the office by Gorski who was the nominee of the Democratic Party in 2016.

“Over the last six years, out-of-state money is driving laws being made in Madison. The finger prints of the American Legislative Exchange Council and Koch Brothers are all over the Right-to-Work-for-Less law and the Tax Payer-Funded Private School Voucher Program,” said Gorski. “I stand for Wisconsin families, safe water, a future for our children in our state where we make the decisions.”

Gorski is a Democrat and member of the Progressive Caucus.  He is a retired counselor and drug-and-alcohol prevention specialist for the Nekoosa School System, living in the town of Grand Rapids.

Gorski’s announcement event will take place at the Hotel Mead and Conference Center Atrium at 451 E Grand Ave in Wisconsin Rapids, on Tuesday, November 21st, at 7:00 pm.

“I am declaring my candidacy for the State Assembly in the 72nd district for the 2018 primary and general election and I stand for the following,” said Gorski, presenting some 16 issue positions:

Raising Wisconsin wages by strengthening unions, and overturning the right to work-for-less law

Investing in local small, start-up businesses not give-a-ways to foreign corporations

Creating more green energy jobs by installing solar on government buildings

Improving public education at all levels

Providing sufficient revenue to build and maintain a first-class transportation system

Protecting our right to clean drinking water and clean air

Fighting for traditional family farms

Standing for women’s rights and women’s health

Standing for the inclusion of our LGBT community

Working to keep young people in Wisconsin by making Wisconsin progressive and innovative

Helping young couples start families and buy homes by allowing the refinancing of student loan debt

Keeping our public parks public and affordable

Fighting for healthcare for families as a human right

Providing a Badger Care Public Option for all

Returning real local control to municipal governments and school boards

Making the pharmaceutical companies that are responsible for the opioid epidemic pay for the treatment of addicts and prevention programs

Overturning Citizens United and its corrupting influence

Standing for transparency in government at all levels

“It’s time for Wisconsin government to work for all of us.”

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