Contact: Steven Michels, (608) 267-7874

State web portal delivers compelling mobile responsive interface

Madison – Today, Governor Scott Walker announced the redesign of, which features an exciting mobile-responsive design and compelling user experience for residents and visitors alike. Wisconsin.Gov enhances engagement with the state by presenting key online state services and apps, interactive maps, and dynamic display of performance metrics.

“ is a one-stop source for those living, visiting, and doing business here in Wisconsin,” Governor Walker said.  “Our redesigned state web portal makes government services more effective and efficient for the hard-working taxpayers.  Visitors and residents can discover all that Wisconsin has to offer in an easy to navigate, interactive design while on the go.”

The site is organized around user groups for better service to citizens, businesses, workers, and government. Agencies, Boards, and Commissions are categorized and include links to social media, providing more ways to connect to state government. Events of statewide and regional interest are prominently featured, and Wisconsin.Gov also includes content for kids including state symbols such as the badger.  Wisconsin’s famous scenic beauty and outdoor activities are featured on the site in a background video.

The State portal was last redesigned in 2014, and at that time was given a mobile-responsive facelift to accommodate the growing move toward mobile devices. The latest updates reflect the evolution in mobile interface design since 2014, underscoring the state’s focus on current technology. The Wisconsin.Gov project was delivered at no cost to the state or its citizens through a public-private partnership between the State of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Interactive Network, LLC.