For Immediate Release

Friday, December 1, 2017

Contact: Brad Wojciechowski

Mike Gallagher Needs to Denounce Campaign Surrogate Mike Flynn

The following is a statement from Beau Liegeois, candidate for Congress – WI08

Green Bay — “Earlier today, Michael T. Flynn pled guilty to lying to FBI surrounding his Russian ties, and his secret side-hustle lobbying gig on behalf of foreign governments during the 2016 election.

I am calling on Congressman Mike Gallagher to denounce Ret. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, his role in the Trump Administration, and to give all the dirty money Michael Flynn raised for his campaign and photo opportunities, as well as publicly disclosed what was discussed during the Round Table event on June 1, 2016.

As a prosecutor, a father, and husband, it is high time we hold our elected officials to a higher standard, and to represent our community values, instead of Washington special interest groups, or corrupt individuals who lie to federal prosecutors.”

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