Contact: Katie Crawley

We received the OIR Madison Police Department Policy and Procedure Review recommendations. I want thank the OIR group for their commitment and professionalism in their review process, and their engagement with our police department and community.

I would also like to thank the MPD Policy Review Committee members for their continued
commitment to this review in ensuring transparency and community participation throughout the process.

The City Council and I look forward to receiving the final recommendations from the MPD Policy Review committee, the Madison Police Department, the Police and Fire Commission, and all interested people. We are committed to performance excellence within the City of Madison in continuous improvement in serving our city of Madison residents.

Below is the link to the final OIR recommendations. OIR will be presenting their recommendations to the MPD Policy Review Committee this evening at 5:30pm, held at the Urban League of Greater Madison, 2222 South Park Street.

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