OCTOBER 23, 2017 – Mike McCabe’s Principle over Party campaign continues to make its way around the state.
Monday nights’s Meet and Greet at the Racine Public Library (
75 7th St, Racine, Wisconsin 53403) is the latest stop. The event will give the public a chance to hear Mike’s vision for Wisconsin as well as time for Q&A from the audience. The Meet and Greet begins at
5:30pm with a short speech from the candidate. The event is free to attend and all are welcome.
Mike’s goal is to inspire and engage people from all over the state to get back into the driver’s seat. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Mike’s message continues to explain and educate why this campaign must be People Powered and Crowd Funded if it is to succeed.
“If money decides the election, the people will continue to be stuck with elected representatives who scratch the backs of those who scratched theirs, and our government will continue to be controlled by the wealthy and well-connected. Breaking free of this trap involves risk. It requires faith and the courage of conviction,” he said. “Political insiders will call this unilateral disarmament. No, it’s acting on principle. The insiders say you have to spend four or five hours a day begging rich people for money if you want to be taken seriously. That’s exactly what has gotten us into the mess we’re in.”
McCabe continues, “If money is allowed to rule our elections and our political system, some candidate will win, but the People of Wisconsin will lose.”
Mike is a proud independent who spent decades at the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign tracking the large political donations (legal bribes) that Wisconsin candidates receive, and advocating for policies to remove the corrupting influence of big money from our elections.
Mike understands that both major political parties have forgotten the people and bend to the interests of the rich donors. But, like Bernie Sanders, he is running in the Democratic primary because he recognizes that our political system is rigged against us. It’s time to return the party, the government, and the system to the people.
Now, at this crucial moment for American democracy, Mike McCabe has decided to run for governor so he can directly implement the changes that Wisconsin so badly needs.
Media Contact:
Christine Welcher
Campaign Manager