Contact: Christine Welcher, campaign manager
Phone: 608-279-2733
Email address:
Milwaukee, WI, Sept 20, 2017 – After his official kick-off in Curtiss, WI on Sept 12, 2017, McCabe’s Principle Over Party campaign will barnstorm the state with a message about getting government working for all of us and not just a few, a living wage for every worker, health care for all, debt-free education and job training, and high-speed Internet to every doorstep.
The next rally stop will be in Milwaukee on Sept 21. Several stops will be made that day culminating with a larger event from 6pm – 9pm at The Eight Nightclub. (618 N Water St, Milwaukee) The event is free and all are welcome.
“There is risk involved in taking a stand against the influence of big money. But there is an even greater risk if everyone keeps going along with the corrupt way election campaigns are regularly being funded. If big money rules again in the next election for governor, some candidate will win but the people will lose,” McCabe said.
“If money decides the election, the people will continue to be stuck with elected representatives who scratch the backs of those who scratched theirs, and our government will continue to be controlled by the wealthy and well-connected. Breaking free of this trap involves risk. It requires faith and the courage of conviction,” he said. “Political insiders will call this unilateral disarmament. No, it’s acting on principle. The insiders say you have to spend four or five hours a day begging rich people for money if you want to be taken seriously. That’s exactly what has gotten us into the mess we’re in.”
For 15 years, McCabe led the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, a nonpartisan watchdog group that tracks the money in elections, exposes corruption and works to make people matter more than money in politics. ( ) He went on to start up the grassroots group Blue Jean Nation, which works to empower regular people to challenge the political establishment.
McCabe does not belong to any political party, but is entering the Democratic primary. The campaign’s website is