Ald. Russell W. Stamper, II, (414) 286-2659

Alderman Russell W. Stamper, II, chair of the Community and Economic Development Committee, said the city’s Funding Allocation Plan for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds will be released on Friday, August 4, triggering a deadline for Milwaukee residents, community organizations and non-profits wishing to submit program funding proposals for CDBG funds. Completed proposals will be due to the Community Development Grants Administration no later than 2 p.m. on Friday, August 25, 2017.

Starting on August 4 RFP application packet and additional information can be accessed at In addition, copies will be available for viewing at the following Milwaukee Public Libraries: Main Library, 814 W. Wisconsin Ave.; Capitol, 3969 N. 74th St.; Center St., 2727 W. Fond du Lac Ave., Zablocki, 3501 W. Oklahoma Ave., and Forest Home, 1432 W. Forest Home Ave.

Alderman Stamper said his focus (and the charge of the Community and Economic Development Committee) is centered on economic development, employment and youth services. “We are looking to allocate millions to help bring positive impacts on key issues affecting Milwaukee including economic development, employment, youth achievement and neighborhood revitalization,” he said.

“I especially want to thank everyone who attended and participated in the three public hearings held last month across the city by the Community and Economic Development Committee,” Alderman Stamper said. “Your input was invaluable and your engagement was most helpful.”