For Immediate Release: September 22, 2017

Contact: Brian Rothgery

414-278-4230 or

MILWAUKEE – County Board Chairman Theodore Lipscomb, Sr., expressed his opposition to Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele’s proposed a $60 wheel tax today, saying voters have already rejected the proposal.

 “After 72% of voters rejected Abele’s $60 wheel tax this spring, he must be tone deaf to reintroduce what remains a bad idea,” said Lipscomb.

 County Executive Abele said prior to the spring referendum he would ignore the will of the voters and introduce his $60 wheel tax again.

 Supervisors listened to voters during the 2016 budgeting process, and cut Abele’s $60 wheel tax proposal in half for 2017.

 County Executive Abele has accepted Chairman Lipscomb’s invitation to meet with the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors in a public meeting on Monday, October 2, at 4:00PM to present his Recommended Budget and take questions from Supervisors.

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