Contact: Melissa Moore Baldauff, Director of Communications
414.278.4216 Office
772.579.6936 Cell

Milwaukee, Wisconsin – Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele’s Engage MKE initiative is a “shining example” of public education and engagement around the budget challenges and opportunities facing local governments.

That’s according to the independent, nonpartisan experts at the Public Policy Forum, who recently commended the Engage MKE initiative that allows County residents to balance their own budget for Milwaukee County using an interactive, transparent, online platform.

“As the 2018 budget season approaches, efforts like this will be critical to keeping the public informed,” stated Rob Henken of the Public Policy Forum.

Henken also cited increasing retirement liabilities and infrastructure challenges, stagnant state aids, and limited local revenue options as difficulties facing Milwaukee County and other local governments in the region.

The Engage MKE initiative can “serve as a shining example,” said Henken, who urged other local governments to seek similar ways to educate their constituents.

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