Contact: Michail Takach, Communications Director
Our day began with news that the President was rescinding a previous order which allowed our transgender brothers and sisters to serve openly in the United States military.
It is a gross understatement to say this is a disappointing and regressive move in the march toward full equality and social justice.
Bans like these only further marginalize the LGBTQ community and push our transgender family back in to the closet. We are an all-volunteer organization fueled by the fire of community service, and we feel there is no greater service than to serve one’s nation with conviction and passion.
The choice to serve our country in the armed forces is an honorable one, worthy of respect regardless of gender identity. Everyone deserves to have this choice.
Milwaukee Pride, Inc. is proud to work with active service members and military veterans from the LGBTQ and allied communities. Each year, we honor our nation’s military with complimentary weekend admission to PrideFest Milwaukee.
We will continue to actively fight back against all attacks which hinder the ability to proudly live as one’s best and most genuine self.
Respectfully yours,
Wes Shaver, President, and the Milwaukee Pride Board of Directors
About Milwaukee Pride
The mission of Milwaukee Pride, Inc., is:
- to educate both the general community and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer (LGBTQ) communities about needs, issues and various aspects of the LGBTQ culture;
- to provide a forum to celebrate the history and accomplishments of LGBTq people;
- to create an environment for networking and outreach for services and community opportunities for LGBTQ people and their families and friends; and
- any other activities exclusively for charitable, educational, and research purposes, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.