Contact: Dennis Hughes
Democratic Congressional Candidate Cathy Myers, who is challenging Speaker Ryan to represent Wisconsin’s First Congressional District, announced her opposition to the $3 billion Foxconn proposal today.
“We need jobs, but not at this price. The $3 billion public handout to a foreign corporation is unprecedented and we need legitimate legislative oversight to ensure that this deal will not cripple our economy for the next generation,” Myers said.
After expressing her initial concerns about the $3 billion public subsidy in a live video on August 3, 2017, Cathy Myers has officially opposed the deal with the first vote scheduled for 3 PM today in the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Jobs and the Economy.
“We must protect Lake Michigan. This deal exempts Foxconn from completing a required environmental impact study and from other reasonable environmental rules meant to protect our cherished natural resources and the local residents that would be affected by this development,” Myers continued.
It has been reported that the Foxconn deal will not be paid off until 2042. Assuming the deal creates the 13,000 jobs it promises, it will still cost over $230,000 per job created.
Cathy Myers is the only candidate running to represent WI-01 that has publicly opposed the deal.