Contact: Noel Fritsch
Phone: 202.374.7371
Delavan, WI — Paul Nehlen released the following statement on the sexual misconduct hush money fund paid to alleged victims of Congressional sexual assault by Paul Ryan’s Congress:
“I call on Paul Ryan to immediately release the names of every predator Congress is hiding,” Nehlen demanded.
“Paul Ryan runs the U.S. House that approves these slush fund payouts,” Nehlen said. “As the leader of the House, he is positioned to know the exact details of every instance Congress has paid hush money to victims of sexual assault.”
“Paul Ryan pretends to be for transparency as it relates to these revelations of Congressional sexual misconduct, “Nehlen said,” but despite his faux outrage, he hasn’t lifted a finger to meaningfully shed light on the abuse of these victims or this gross misuse of taxpayer funds.”
“Congress has paid $2 million in 36 different settlements to victims or alleged victims of Congressional sexual misconduct,” Nehlen said.
“This cover-up is reprehensible. It is an embarrassment to Paul Ryan, to Wisconsin, and to the entire United States,” Nehlen said.
“Paul Ryan has known about this practice for years and helped protect the sexual predators – not the victims,” Nehlen said. “Only now that this hush money has become known to the American people has Paul Ryan decided to pretend he cares about victims of Congressional sexual abuse.”
“It is time the top Republican in Congress began acting like a principled leader instead of covering up the sex crimes of his fellow Congressmen,” Nehlen concluded.
Paul Nehlen is a turnaround specialist, business executive, and inventor who started on the factory floor, who, with God’s grace and some determination, rose to lead Fortune 500 manufacturing businesses around the world. Nehlen challenged Speaker Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s 2016 First Congressional District to stop Trans-Pacific Partnership and secure America’s border. He is waging the battle for Wisconsin’s workers, against the refugee resettlement racket, and lends his voice to the battle for America’s values. He lives in Delavan, Wisconsin.