Contact: Rep. Scott Allen (608) 266-8580
Craft brewers were fortunate to discover potential budget proposal.
Recently a leaked proposal has found its way into the public sphere. The proposal would make changes to Wisconsin Chapter 125 of state statute regarding the three-tier system for alcohol sales. This leaked proposal was not introduced as a bill, and until it was leaked, did not received any legislative or public feedback.
Representative Scott Allen is circulating the Budget Transparency Act for co-sponsorship has received bipartisan support. The bill requires that all finance committee proposals be distributed to members of the Joint Committee on Finance and posted online at least 48 hours before the committee may consider or take executive action on any item.
“The public and legislators have a right to know in advance the contents of these proposals that can fundamentally change our laws. The Budget Transparency Act will expose “un-leaked” proposals to the light,” said Rep. Allen. “We are fortunate that the Chapter 125 proposal was leaked to the public, and passing the Budget Transparency Act will prevent future “un-leaked” proposals from hiding in the dark.”