Contact: Rep. Joan Ballweg, (888) 534-0041

(Madison)…State Representative Joan Ballweg’s (R-Markesan) Career and Technical Education (CTE) Incentive Grant Bill (AB 192) had a public hearing today in the Assembly Committee on Workforce Development.

CTE Grants are designed for schools to offer work-based learning programs in industries or occupations with workforce shortages. The grants provide funding that helps schools work with businesses to implement certificate programs, purchase equipment, and operate programs. Currently, the state provides $3 million to award school districts $1000 per pupil for each student who obtains a high school diploma and completes an industry-recognized certification program approved by the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development. Due to the growth of the program, the current funding is inadequate and results in the $1000 per pupil award getting prorated to a lower amount.

“This is a successful program that continues to grow, and we certainly do not want to stifle its growth by underfunding it,” stated Ballweg.

AB 192 makes two changes to maintain the state’s commitment to this program. First, it fully funds the program to ensure awards are not prorated and the state will fully fund at $1000 any eligible claim. Second, it removes the cap on the number of awards that a school can receive to ensure a school district receives an award for each program an eligible student completes. Currently, a student can complete multiple certifications, but the school receives only one award per student.

Members from the business and education communities attended and testified in support of AB 192, highlighting the opportunities this program affords students to be ready to join the workforce.

“I appreciate the business and education communities’ support and for providing the stories of students that participate. It is critical that the state continues to invest in programs that effectively address workforce shortages and prepare students to succeed in their careers,” said Ballweg.

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