Contact: Rep. Jill Billings 608-266-5780
Madison – Today, State Representative Jill Billings (D – La Crosse) offered the following Democratic Weekly Radio Address regarding legislative Democrats’ “Wisconsin Way Forward” agenda.
The audio file can be found here:
The video file can be found here:
A written transcript of the address is below:
Hello. I’m State Representative Jill Billings with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.
Now that the state budget has been signed into law, my Democratic colleagues and I are looking forward to digging back into the issues that affect Wisconsinites’ daily lives, and there are a number of bills we are eager to review and pass.
The Democrats’ “Wisconsin Way Forward” legislative agenda is built around fairness, opportunity and community, and the bills we have proposed back these values. A number of these bills have been on stand-by for months, and, with three available session days this week, I was disappointed that the majority party did not call us into session.
One of Democrats’ main goals this session is to promote fairness by building an economy that works for everyone. To address this issue, we have introduced legislation that would restore tax fairness by cutting taxes for the middle class, working families and seniors. Similarly, we believe Wisconsinites should have greater workplace flexibilities which is why we have put forth a bill that would expand paid family leave.
Our economy depends on creating opportunities for our young people to succeed and keeping them in Wisconsin after graduating. This is why we prioritize fair funding for our public schools and legislation like our “Higher Ed, Lower Debt” bill, which aims to relieve the financial burden of students who chose to pursue university and technical college degrees.
We know our communities are stronger when everyone is allowed fair opportunities, which is why the Democrats’ main objective is to get back to work on passing legislation to help Wisconsinites in every corner of our state. The decision not to call session this week is a missed opportunity that prevents us from getting back to the work our constituents elected us to do. Democrats are ready to work, and we are calling upon our Republican colleagues to join us.