Contact: Rep. David Bowen
October 6, 2017 (608) 266-7671
Lawmaker joins Indian Community School students to announce bill
MILWAUKEE – Rep. David Bowen (D-Milwaukee) visited Indian Community School
today where, along with advocates, community leaders, educators, and students, he
introduced legislation declaring the 2 nd Monday in October Indigenous Peoples Day.
Bowen issued the following statement:
“I’m proud to introduce this measure honoring the people who lived for centuries on
North America and here in Wisconsin before the so-called discovery of America by
European explorers.
“This legislation will give the state a real opportunity to celebrate and learn more about
the native people who call Wisconsin home and are such an important part of our state’s
Last year, students at Indian Community School drafted a resolution which was
approved by the Milwaukee County Board recognizing Indigenous Peoples Day. Allison
Jornlin, a teacher at Indian Community School, led the students in their effort.
“Our students’ success at the county level demonstrates that children don’t need to wait
until they are adults to make a difference,” said Jornlin. “We are excited to take this
effort to the state level with Rep. Bowen leading the charge, and hope a bipartisan
showing of legislators will join together to celebrate Wisconsin’s native populations.
Ultimately, we hope to see Indigenous Peoples Day permanently replace Columbus Day
on the federal level.”
Rep. Bowen’s Indigenous Peoples Day legislation is circulating now for fellow legislators
to cosponsor. Interested citizens may find and contact their legislators at and encourage them to cosponsor the bill.
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