MILWAUKEE – Following Governor Walker’s fourth budget address, Rep. David Bowen
(D-Milwaukee) issued a word of caution to Wisconsinites who may be eager to forget the
cruel treatment our public schools and working families have endured in the last three
Republican budgets.
“While any increase in funding is better than the severe cuts forced on schools in recent
years by the governor and his legislative allies, the mild per pupil increase in this
proposed budget is still only a fraction of the more than $2 billion Republicans have cut
from K-12, tech schools, and universities,” Bowen said.
In welcoming a new appropriation for the Earned Income Tax Credit, Rep. Bowen
reminded taxpayers that Gov. Walker’s sharp reduction of this vital credit for low-
income Wisconsinites was among Walker’s earliest broken promises shortly after
entering office as governor – a significant tax increase on hard-working, low wage
families during the toughest economic times in a generation. At the same time, the
governor and the Republican legislature gave significant tax breaks to the wealthy.
“For six years now, working Wisconsin families have struggled to make ends meet under
Gov. Walker’s tax increases,” said Bowen. “It’s positive news that this budget would hit
the pause button on his cruel treatment of the working poor, but it is highly suspect that
he’s waited until his re-election budget to have a sudden change of heart.”