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Madison – This evening, the full Assembly passed Assembly Bill (AB) 253, relating to the sale of foreclosed properties. Among other measures, AB 253 would clarify that published foreclosure sale notices must include the street address of the property and the sum of the judgment. This portion of the bill was included at the suggestion of a constituent in Rep. Considine’s district.
“First and foremost, I want to thank the constituent who first brought this idea to my attention last session. It took a while, but I’m proud that I was able to share his voice with my colleagues and that we’ve been able to move this bill forward,” said Rep. Considine (D-Baraboo).
“I’m also grateful to Representative Ballweg and Senator Olsen for including the street address and ‘sum of the judgment’ language in their bill. As I have said before, this bipartisan effort goes to show that when we really listen to the citizens we represent and maintain open dialogue, we can enact good, common-sense policy together. I’m happy to see AB 253 moving through the legislative process, and I hope my colleagues in the Senate will support it as well.”